23 August 2011

Homeowners at last!

Well, in all truth we have been homeowners for almost three weeks, but this is the official blog posting to show you all what our house looks like.  We got a nice little 4 bedroom, 2 bath house here in Pocatello and became the official owners on August 5th.  That's when the fun began...or at least the painting did.
Splotchy Tan Paint Job

As you can see from the before picture of the front room, it was a light color and then had a sponging type texture in a tan color all over.  We didn't really dig it, so we primed the whole thing, and threw up a better (in our opinion) shade of tan. The results can be seen below with the couch and love seat we inherited from my folks.  Doesn't look half bad if I say so myself, and I do.

 The next room we tackled was the bedroom, which had a "beautiful" (as my niece Maren put it) purple wall.  We didn't agree, so away with the purple.  The only problem was that we discovered that the previous owners painted the whole room with a crazy color of neon green paint that everything just stripped right off of.  Let's say we got a little ambitious, and then realized that our ambition to strip all of the paint on top of said green nastiness off wasn't very smart. We gave up, sanded things down, did our best to stop anything from peeling, primed it, and painted the room gray...like an elephant as another family member was quick to point out (don't remember which one it was that enlightened us with their quick wit).  The gray is different, true, but it goes well with the color of our stuff, and is a nice cool, calming color. 

 The next room to conquer...the kitchen! It was a weird color of pinkish, salmon-ish, tanish...we don't really know what color it was.  Just not the one we wanted.  Plus, it had weird stains from where the former owners had metal decorations hanging, so that took a little cleaning.  But, in the end, with a little elbow grease, some Mr. Clean, a few coats of primer, and the piece de la resistance (correct me if that isn't how it is spelled, I never learned French)....Lime Sparkle paint!!!!!!!!!! As you can see below, the kitchen turned out to be a nice, light shade of green.  We like it.  Its bright like Kelly's personality.  In fact, that is exactly what it is like according to my dad--it is Kelly in a paint can.  Maybe that's why I like it so much.
 There are other rooms in the house, several in fact, but these are the only ones we took pictures of so far.  Anyone who wants to see more will either have to come see our house in person (highly recommended) or wait for another blog post (somewhere on the not so recommended end of the spectrum) that chronicles the rest of our new abode.  Besides, why wait for another blog post when you can come see us and Kelly can whip up something so yummy that it will blow your top?!  Yeah, no reason to sit there on your computer waiting.  Just come on down to Stelly's!  We'll leave a light on for you.